The 8th International College Students Intelligent Agricultural Equipment Innovation Competition held at JSU
May 5, 2023

On April 27th, the final of the 8th International College Students Intelligent Agricultural Equipment Innovation Competition was held at Jiangsu University (JSU). This competition has undergone preliminary selection and 69 domestic universities have registered to participate in the second round. They have submitted 498 works, including 420 works of types ACD and 78 works of type B. After being evaluated by renowned experts in the domestic industry, a total of 222 works of types ACD were selected to enter the finals. The elimination and final of works of type B were held on-site at JSU. In the end, a total of 24 special awards, 51 first prizes, 98 second prizes, and 70 excellent awards were selected from the competition. 10 universities, including JSU and China Agricultural University, won the Cup of Excellence .

Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Chen Xuegeng and Zhao Chunjiang, Secretary-general of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR) Fedro S. Zazueta, President of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery Liu Xiaohu, Vice President and Secretary-General of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering Han Lujia, President of the China Association of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Chen Zhi, Secretary of the CPC Jiangsu University Committee Prof. Yuan Shouqi, President of JSU Prof. Yan Xiaohong, Vice presidents of JSU Prof. Tian Lixin and Prof. Quan Li, , relevant personnel of the Competition Committee, renowned experts and professors in the field of agricultural machinery, as well as representatives of enterprises, attended the opening ceremony.

Prof. Yan Xiaohong presided over the opening ceremony. Prof. Yuan Shouqi extended a warm welcome in his speech to all the leaders, guests, judges, and teachers and students who participated in the event on behalf of JSU and the host unit. He introduced the development of the competition and JSU’s school-running feature of “Engineering integrates with agriculture, and agriculture is supported by engineering”. Prof. Yuan Shouqi pointed out that the competition is an important platform for cultivating high-quality innovative talents with a strong knowledge of and love for agriculture, and the capability to develop agriculture. In 2023, the competition was successfully selected for the “Ranking List of National College Student Competitions”, further highlighting its importance. Prof. Yuan Shouqi hopes that the contestants will keep in mind their mission and responsibility, focus on national needs, get integrated into national strategies, seize the development opportunities of the times, strive to comprehensively serve the rural vitalization and realize the “Agricultural Machinery Dream” of agricultural mechanization and intelligentization.

Academicians Chen Xuegeng and Zhao Chunjiang, on behalf of the competition supervising committee, warmly congratulated on the hosting of the competition, hoping that the competition will continue to be of high level and high quality to attract players, exert influence, and generate productivity.

Fedro, Liu Xiaohu, and Han Lujia respectively delivered speeches on behalf of the organizers.

Academicians Chen Xuegeng, Zhao Chunjiang, Liu Xiaohu, Prof. Yuan Shouqi, and Han Lujia jointly unveiled the “2023 National College Students Competition Catalogue” for the International College Students Intelligent Agricultural Equipment Innovation Competition.

Works of types A, C and D were presented at the exhibition site and experts conducted on-site questioning and debate; Works of type B underwent on-site competition.

During the finals, 300 creative works appeared for competition such as “Agricultural Guardian - the Leader of Crop Leaf Health”, “Portable Automated Soil Heavy Metal Electrochemical Detection System Based on Ultraviolet Photolysis”, “A Type Of Elevatable Straw-Checkerboard Right Angle Planting Robot”, “Smart Visualization System Interaction Design of Baima Farm”, “Fruit Picking and Sorting Robot” and other works from China Agricultural University, Zhejiang University, South China Agricultural University, JSU and other participating universities.

With the theme of “Ensuring Food Security and Promoting Rural Vitalization”, this competition was co-sponsored by the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (CIGR), the Chinese Agricultural Machinery Society, the Chinese Society of agricultural engineering, the Jiangsu Province and Educational Ministry Co-sponsored Synergistic Innovation Center of Modern Agriculture Equipment, and the International University Consortium for Agriculture Engineering, and undertaken by JSU; The 9th competition will be hosted by Shihezi University.