Based on the latest data, China University Alumni Association Net released the 2016 ESI Global Top 1% Discipline Rankings among Chinese universities. Among the total of 745 disciplines across Chinese universities in 27 provinces, Jiangsu University has five disciplines listed in the top 1% ranking. When compared to other Chinese universities, Jiangsu University was ranked 37thtied with 9 other universities in China, including Beihang University. According to the report, JSU ranks 4thtied with Nanjing Agricultural University in Jiangsu Province.
Nowadays, ESI has become an essential indicator assessing the international academic level and influence of universities, academies and countries/regions. It is also one of the world standards that measure world-class universities and disciplines. As it has recently been commonly used by the fourth discipline assessment of Ministry of Education, QS World University Rankings by Discipline and Third Party University and Discipline Rankings, ESI will become a significant reference standard with Chinese characteristics for assessing world-class universities and disciplines. The 2016 ESI Global Top 1% Discipline Rankings among Chinese universities is aimed at informing Chinese universities of the current discipline rankings in China.