Development of Organometallic Chemistry
May 10, 2016

Dr.Santiago Gómez-Ruiz

10:00a.m on 17th of May (Tuesday), 2016

The Lecture Hall on the second floor of Building of Chemistry

Brief Introduction

Dr.Santiago Gómez-Ruiz is the Prize winners of the European young chemist’s award and Marie Curie Award, and the professor of the Rey Juan Carlos University of Spain. He mainly engaged in the design and analysis of novel antineoplastic drugs from metal complexes and natural products for precursors, the analysis of novel biomedical materials, the manufacture of novel photocatalytic materials and other related research. Recently, Dr. Santiago Gómez-Ruiz has published over 100 pieces of thesis with high factors of influence and three monographs.

Organometallic Chemistry is a discipline that has been determinant for the development of our Society. This is easily observed when one think about some of the first discovered organometallic compounds such as the very simple tetra- methyldiarsine, Zeise’s salt or metal carbonyls, which had very limited applications. However, some of the highly sophisticated current compounds of interest in Organometallic Chemistry have very useful applications. For example, novel ruthenium arenes can be used as photoactive metallodrugs or, on the other hand, some smart metal alkyl or alkenyl derivatives are nowadays useful as initiators for some important catalytic reactions. Thus, this communication will be focused on the description of the development of Organometallic Chemistry reviewing the principal advances and applications of this class of compounds.