The 17th Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery (AICFM17) was held in Zhenjiang from October 21 to 23. As one of the most influential academic conferences in the field of fluid mechanics, AICFM17 attracted over 500 experts, scholars, and researchers in the field of fluid machinery from countries and regions including Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Iran, Malaysia, Germany, France, and China. A total of 202 papers from universities and research institutions worldwide were submitted, including 12 invited expert papers.
The Director of the National Research Center of Pumps Prof. Yuan Shouqi, presided over the conference. Chairman of the Asian Fluid Machinery Committee Prof. Chiyuki Kato, Vice Director and Secretary-General of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics Prof. Chen Haisheng, Vice President of Xi'an Jiaotong University Prof. Xi Guang, Prof. Jacques Borel of Arts et Métiers ParisTech, French, Prof. Yunji Kim of Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, Prof. Satoshi Watanabe of Kyushu University, Japan, and Vice President of Jiangsu University(JSU) Prof. Li Hong, along with other experts, scholars, and leaders from cooperating universities and enterprises, attended the opening ceremony.
Prof. Li Hong presented the achievements of JSU's development endeavors. She hoped that the experts and scholars in attendance would actively share and exchange the latest achievements and development trends in the field of fluid machinery through this significant platform of the Asian International Conference on Fluid Machinery, thus collectively advancing the development of fluid machinery discipline in Asia.
Prof. Chiyuki Kato remarked in his address that this year's AICFM17 is the second time it has been held in Zhenjiang. He expressed the hope that the wide array of experts and scholars present would utilize this conference to strengthen collaboration, collectively delve into the cutting-edge issues in the field of fluid machinery, exchange research findings, share knowledge and experiences, all in an effort to promote progress and development in the field of fluid machinery.
Prof. Chen Haisheng stated that in recent years, Asia has made significant breakthroughs in technological innovation in the field of fluid machinery, becoming an important force that cannot be ignored in global technological development. This conference serves as a platform to promote deeper and wider collaboration in related fields globally. It transcends national borders and cultural backgrounds, aiming to establish mutual understanding, friendship, and seek common paths for development and cooperation.
Prof. Xi Guang stated that fluid machinery is an integral part of modern industry and technology, playing a crucial role in fields such as energy, aerospace, transportation, and construction. With the continuous development of the new technological revolution, the traditional fluid machinery manufacturing industry faces both opportunities and challenges. He expressed the hope that Jiangsu University, along with institutions like Xi'an Jiaotong University, would deepen cooperation, accelerate the development of emerging fields, interdisciplinary research, and major engineering applications, thereby creating greater space for the development and cooperation of disciplines related to fluid machinery.
In the subsequent invited lecture session, Prof. Chen Haisheng, Prof. Chiyuki Kato, Prof. Yunji Kim, and Prof. Yuan Shouqi delivered excellent specialized reports on the topics of "Research Progress in Advanced Compressed Air Energy Storage System", "Industrial Applications of Wall-Resolved Large Eddy Simulation", "Prediction and Evaluation of Non-Synchronous Vibration of Gas Turbine Axial Compressors" and "Research Progress in Fluid Mechanics at NRCP of Jiangsu University" respectively.
In the afternoon of the same day, the AICFM17 proceeded with academic presentations in seven concurrent sessions. The speakers chose their own topics for the presentations. The presentations covered various areas including computational fluid dynamics, wind turbine seals and bearing fluid systems, fans and blowers, design optimization and manufacturing. Both domestic and international students and scholars delivered speeches in their respective research areas and actively engaged in learning and exchanging ideas.
From the 22 to the 23, experts from Tsinghua University, Northeastern University of Japan, Rhineland Pvaal State University of Technology (Kaiserslautern), Germany, National University of Singapore, and University of Tehran, Iran shared the latest research progress.
The organizing committee of this conference selected a total of 40 excellent papers, with 4 people winning the "Outstanding Scientist Award for Asian Fluid Machinery", and 3 people including JSU's Si Qiaorui winning the "Young Scientist Award".
This conference is co-sponsored by the Asian Fluid Machinery Commission (AFMC) and the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics (CSET), and hosted by the Fluid Machinery Engineering Technology Research Center of JSU (National Water Pump Engineering Center) and Jiangsu Provincial Industrial Technology Research Institute. The conference expanded the academic influence of the fluid mechanical engineering discipline at JSU, improved its international reputation, further strengthened international cooperation and exchange, and injected new momentum into the future development of the National Water Pump and System Engineering Technology Research Center at JSU.