Dr. Hu and Li were awarded in the first National Symposium on Virology for Young Scholars
September 29, 2014

Dr. Hu and Li were awarded in the first National Symposium on Virology for Young Scholars


The first National Symposium on Virology for Young Scholars was held on 24th-26th, September 2014 at Shanghai. The conference was sponsored by Young Committee of Virology, Chinese Society for Microbiology, National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention and School of Basic Medical Sciences, Fudan University. Some distingushed scientists, such as Prof. Zhihong Hu from Wuhan Institute of Virology, Prof. Dongyan Jin from University of Hong Kong and Prof. Donald Seto from George Mason University, were invited to make some wonderful lectures, and many young scholars fromChina took part in the conference as well. Dr. Zhaoyang Hu, Dr. Guohui Li, Dr. Hengchuan Xia and Dr. Yanhua Yang from Institute of Life Sciences, Jiangsu University attended the conference. Dr. Hu made an oral report on Characterization of the transcription and promoter of Bombyx mori bidensovirus nonstructural gene ns1, and Dr. Li made an academic poster ofDetermination of the proteins encoded by VD1-ORF4 and their interacting proteins in BmBDV-infected midguts. At this conference, Dr. Hu and Dr. Li won the Oral Report Award and Post Award, respectively.

During the conference, they introduced their researches focused on Bombyx mori Bidensovirus and their works received the appreciations of the participants. This academic symposium is a good chance for the communication and the collaboration with young scholars in virology field, and it is very helpful for the rapid development on the molecular biology of silkworm virus.