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JSU attended the 29th Tri-U International Joint Seminar and Symposium
2024-01-03 15:26  

The 29th Tri-U International Joint Seminar & Symposium (Tri-U IJSS) was held at Maejo University (MJU), Thailand from December 20 to 24. The 16 teacher and student participants of Jiangsu University (JSU) which led by Vice President Prof. Zou Xiaobo attended this event, and 4 student participants won the Best Presenter Awards. The theme for this year’s event was “Population, Food, Energy, Environment, Agricultural Innovation”. About 150 participants of 8 universities from China, Thailand, Japan, Indonesia and Laos attended the event.
President of Maejo University Prof. Weerapon Thongma , and Vice President of Chiang Mai University professor Charin Techapun, delivered opening speeches respectively at the opening ceremony.

At the session of the President’s Forum, Vice President Zou Xiaobo made a report entitled Jiangsu University’s Contribution to Environmental Sustainability and Agriculture for the Future. Focused on the 5 conference themes, teachers and students representatives of JSU participated in academic seminars and cultural exchange activities such as Parallel Oral Presentation Session and workshop, fully demonstrated scientific research achievements, promoting exchanges, deepening mutual learning and enhancing understanding among civilizations. 4 student representatives, i.e. Chen Yannan from School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Yao Mengjiao from School of Agricultural Engineering, Liu Jianke from School of Management, and Yang Yizhou from Institute for Energy Research won the Best Presenter Awards.
At the keyperson meeting, all the participating universities gave feedback and evaluation on this event. Director of International Office of JSU Prof. Pan Jianfeng, made an applicaiton to host and brief the preparation plan for the 30th Tri-U IJSS, which was approved by the committee.

At the farewell party, the organizers of 29th Tri-U IJSS presented award certificates to the student representatives, and held the flag handover ceremony of the 30th Tri-U IJSS.

On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of MJU, the organizer showed the achievements of MJU in agricultural innovation and environmental sustainable development to the representatives, and organized representatives to visit the farm and exhibition of MJU, and conducted group discussions and exchanges.

The Tri-U International Joint Seminar & Symposium has been held by Jiangsu University, Mie University, Chiang Mai University, Bogor Agricultural University and Guangxi University in turn since 1994, and these 5 universities have held 29 consecutive sessions. The seminar has become a branded project of student and staff exchange in recent years. Every year, Internationa Office takes the lead, and works in concert with Student Affairs Office, Graduate School, relevant teaching and research units, etc. to select delegates, guide academic paper presentations, improve cross-cultural communication skills and so forth, fully demonstrating the international competence of our students on the global stage.

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