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The 5th China- Korea Conference on Public Administration held in JU
2012-11-25 00:00  

The 5th China- Korea Conference on Public Administration held in JU


On The morning of November 17th, the opening ceremony of the 5th China- Korea Conference on Public Administration held in Jiangsu University. Professor Jiang Xinze, honorary professor of Seoul university, member of Korean Academic Institute, former chairman of Korea Administration Association , Professor Li Daxi, dean of Welfare and Advisory Graduate School of Kwangwoon University, former chairman of Korea Administration Association, Professor Mei Qiang, vice president of Jiangsu University, Professor Xia Jianguo from School of Politics and Public Administration of Wuhan University attended the opening ceremony. 15 South Korean delegates and more than 40 Chinese scholars from Wuhan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Nanjing University and Jiangsu University and other more than 20 other colleges and universities attended the conference.At the opening ceremony, professor Mei Qiang, on behalf of the Jiangsu University , welcomed the Chinese and Korean scholars, and spoke highly of the China-Korea International Symposium on Public Administration. Professor Li Daxi, on behalf of Korean scholars, made an address. Then, Mei Qiang , representing the organizers, Li Daxi representing the delegates of South Korea exchanged presents. After the opening ceremony, Professor Jiang Xinze, Professor Xia Jianguo made keynote speeches .In the afternoon, scholars discussed in groups three themes: "the administrative reform and the government", "social management and social security", and "public participation and public policy innovation" .

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