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Deputy Secretary Zhang Jijian Attended the AGM 2023 of UK-Jiangsu World Class University Consortium
2023-12-08 14:51  

From Nov. 16 to 23, the delegation led by Deputy Secretary of the CPC Jiangsu University (JSU) Committee Zhang Jijian, attended the the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2023 of UK-Jiangsu World Class University Consortium at University of Liverpool and visited universities in England and Ireland, and the Education Section of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
It is the first time that the bilateral meeting has been hosted in England since the inception of the Consortium. This year, the meeting was hosted by Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education and British Council, organized by University of Liverpool, General Secretariat of the Consortium in England, and supported by JSU.
Leaders, representatives, experts and scholars from more than 40 member universities attended the meeting, including Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Manchester Mr. Tang Rui, Senior Inspector of Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education Mr. Xu Zimin, and the Director of the British Council in East China and Consul (Culture and Education) Cat Sinclair-Jones.
At the university president forum, Deputy Secretary Zhang Jijian delivered a speech with the title of Joining Hands to Address the Challenges of the Times Together for Universities both in Jiangsu and England, to which the representatives present responded warmly.

The delegation paid visits to the Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest (TUS), where they visited its nursing specialty and engineering innovation base, and exchanged views on talent cultivation and advancing cooperation in other fields, and to University of Surrey, where they made suggestions for in-depth cooperation in undergraduate cultivation and reached a preliminary intent on cooperation with its head of science & engineering department.

The delegation also visited the Education Section of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Leaders from the Education Section expressed appreciation to JSU for actively promoting China-UK educational cooperation and for fully engaging in China-UK educational exchanges, and urged efforts to perform its role, as always, as General Secretariat of the Consortium in China, giving full play to the Consortium as a platform to intensify China-UK research and education collaboration. During the visit, the delegation also made exchanges with students from China and overseas studying in the universities in England.
Also in the delegation were leaders from School of Computer Science and Communications Engineering, School of Medicine, Jingjiang College and International Office.

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